Book launch ‘Co-emerging Economies’ & ‘Exchange’ performance

Organized by Baltan Laboratories and Future of Work Foundation.

In collaboration with The100Hands.

Time: 18:30-21:30hr

Willem Twee Art Space

Boschdijkstraat 100



18:30hr · Doors open

18:45hr · Welcome by Olga Mink

19:00hr · Reon Brand

19:30hr · Elise Talgorn

19:45hr · René van Peer

20:00hr · Break

20:15hr · Performance Exchange

21:30hr · The end

This event will be held in English.

Book launch

‘Co-emerging Economies’

On occasion of the book launch Co-emerging Economies: Radical perspectives on post-anthropocentric economies, Future of Work Foundation and Baltan Laboratories, in collaboration with The100Hands present a special program on how we can restore our relationship with the planet in an economy where the needs of humans are no longer paramount.

The first part of this evening focuses on the stories as part of Co-emerging Economies. After an introduction by Olga Mink about the initiation of the project, Reon Brand shares the two narratives Gaia and Etheria and highlights how these future narratives inevitably end up at a crossroad, in which people are forced to address major ethical and economic dilemmas. Journalist René van Peer shares his observations, following many of the conversations held during the development of the project. Elise Talgorn shares her story as a participant of the Etheria narrative and her contribution to the book.



The second part of the event explores alternative forms of Exchange. In this performance by The100Hands together with Godelieve Spaas and Falk Hübner, a group of dancers go on a journey of discovery and invite the audience into all kinds of kinetic exchanges. To do this, they use their bodies, sturdy costumes and materials such as balls and ropes to convey physical exchange. During these exchanges, dancers ask questions that explore reciprocity in interactions. Who takes, who gives, who decides, who shares, how do we alternate? Participants and performers gradually expose together various assumptions and unwritten rules about exchange and engage in a conversation about the desirability, efficacy and veracity of alternative forms of exchange.


The100Hands is led by Mojra Vogelnik Škerlj and Jasper Džuki Jelen. Working from dance, architecture and psychology, they create physical, interactive performances, in which connection (or lack thereof) is central: connection with yourself, with the other and with the environment. The100Hands is convinced that major issues in the world have their origin in the relationships between people. With this in mind, an ongoing investigation into interpersonal contact forms the basis for performances that take many forms.

Falk Hübner
is a professor of Artistic Connective practices at Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts. He investigates how artists and their artistic (research) practices can contribute to transformation towards a sustainable and resilient society.

Godelieve Spaas
is professor of new economy at Avans University of Applied Sciences. From an anthropological view, she conducts research into economic principles and forms of entrepreneurship that care for the earth and all its inhabitants. Her research group is a collaborative social practice in which making, dialogue, and research alternate and reinforce each other.

Reon Brand
is Design Principal – Foresight and Strategic Innovation at Philips Experience Design. He is responsible for gaining insight into emerging future directions for Philips Strategic Company Innovation. In June 2019, Brand published his latest research called Co-Emerging Futures, a model that looks at emerging developments in times of profound global challenges.

Olga Mink
is artistic director of the Future of Work Foundation and works as an external researcher with the new economy research group at Avans University of Applied Sciences. Until 2022 she was director of Baltan Laboratories in Eindhoven. Olga co-edited the book Co-emerging Economies with Reon Brand.

Elise Talgorn is a design researcher interested in new methods to trigger positive futures. She believes that the spark between analytical logics and emotional intuition is key to envisioning new societal, technological, and economic realities. She develops participatory processes based on systemic design and storytelling to engage multidisciplinary thinkers – outcomes range from disruptive innovation to mindset shift towards more empathy for people and the planet. Elise works as a senior design strategist at Philips Experience Design and as a research fellow at TUDelft.

René van Peer
covers a wide variety of topics and genres in his writings as a music journalist. His work has been published by newspapers and magazines in his home country, including the left field music magazine Gonzo (circus), and internationally by Musicworks (Canada) and Leonardo Music Journal (USA). He wrote a book of interviews with sound artists for Het Apollohuis, the Eindhoven venue for exploratory art and music and interdisciplinary works. For several years he contributed content for VPRO radio programs, and instigated and researched an 11-hour marathon broadcast about music and nature. He contributes texts to the magazine of the Concertgebouw, the Amsterdam music venue Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, and the Holland Festival. For the latter two he also does public presentations.


Baltan Laboratories is a cultural in(ter)disciplinary lab, based in Eindhoven. They focus on societal issues in an imaginative and collaborative manner, bringing experts and non-experts together. They believe that the increasing complexity of our world and of the challenges we have to face no longer allows for a strictly disciplinary, reductionist and western-based approach. They build imaginary futures to move towards a more equal and just planet.

Future of Work Foundation
is a hybrid platform for artistic research and co-creation. It brings about new forms of collaboration and sustainable strategies around work and the economy, proposing visions and stories to stimulate dialogue about what the economy looks like when our needs become secondary to the demands for a healthy ecosystem and a just society. By developing this platform, Future of Work aims to set an example and shape the new collective economy of tomorrow together.

Thanks to: Philips experience design, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Willem Twee Art Space.


View the whole collection on Flickr.