
Re_Nature is a festival for art and nature. The festival took place from the 8th to the 31st of October 2021 on the Tramkade, the creative area around Willem Twee, the Verkadefabriek, and Social Label Lab / Werkwarenhuis in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. With almost 50 participating artists and designers, two indoor exhibitions, one outdoor exhibition, and four weekends filled with activities, the festival had over 13,500 visitors.



The world is at a climatic crossroads. Re_Nature raises the alarm bell, investigates, and reflects with artists, designers, and visitors on how we can redress the ecological imbalance and our relationship with nature. A collective realization is rapidly emerging that action is needed in the short term. Although we, as humans, are clearly the cause of this imbalance, we can also contribute to its solution. We already have creativity and innovation; now we need to convert this into a long-term vision and short-term action plan. The Re_Nature festival explored with various projects how we can reconnect with nature. If you did not have the opportunity to visit us in Den Bosh, we invite you to experience and explore the online artworks and articles on our website.



With these themes, Re_Nature examines the status quo.


What does it mean to be human and how do we relate to non-humans? This theme offers alternative views of the world through inspired visions by artists and other pioneers that reach beyond the cognitive knowledge so prevalent in the West. The artists take us into ancient as well as pioneering wisdom. They pay attention to the voices that have been ignored by the West’s ongoing pursuit of growth and dominance, and argue that the very survival of our species will soon depend on a changing and inclusive perspective.


With this theme, we ask visitors to rethink their current relationship with nature and inspire them to take action. What is our next step? What can we do to prevent the environmental crisis? From taking legal action to knowing where the food in our refrigerator comes from, everything counts.


Re_Shape leaves behind preconceived ideas of what design, nature and sustainability look like in order to introduce groundbreaking innovative proposals. For example, using Biomimetics or BioArt.


is the term we use for our education partnerships. Re_Generation stands for the young generation that we consider important for the implementation of a new system. The generation of Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion, among others. Active, aware, combative, ready to face grief and worry, but also to fight for improvement. It also stands for recovery, for reciprocal principles, which are essential for ecological balance.




Artists / designers:
Academie voor beeldvorming – Klaas Burger, Arahmaiani, Thijs Biersteker, Melanie Bonajo, Matthijs Bosman, Natural Contract Lab – Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, DISNOVATION, Xandra van der Eijk, Expodium, Tamar Frank, Jasper Griepink, Johan Grimonprez, New Grounds, Annika Kappner, Ienke Kastelein, Gayatri Kodikal, Jeroen Kooijmans, Kuang-Yi Ku, Fides Lapidaire, Atelier Van Lieshout, Jan Koen Lomans, Hans van Lunteren, Renzo Martens, Next Nature – Koert van Mensvoort, Ambassade van de Noordzee, De Onkruidenier, Amanda Piña, Annabel Schouten, Institute of Queer Ecology, Tabita Rezaire, Keiko Sato, Jasper Udink ten Cate – Creative Chef, Stef Veldhuis, Noam Youngrak Son, Müge Yilmaz, Elmo Vermijs, Haruka Matsuo and Zheng Bo.

Artistic Director: Imke Ruigrok. Curatorial team: Imke Ruigrok, Jasper Griepink, Carlota Font Castelló, Fay van Blitterswijk (assistent curator). Production: Tom Jaspers – Artvark / Museumgoed. Press: Marije Lieuwens. Marcom: Michelle Gulickx. Education: Xandra van der Eijk, Imke Ruigrok, Jasper Griepink, Cas van Dijk, Sharon Prince. Production festival: Anne Bareman, Angelina Kumar. Coordinator of volunteers: Tabitha Hunte. Design: Collaboration with designers from the Werkwarenhuis. Studio Boot (concept, identity & branding) – Petra Janssen (art direction), Edwin Vollebergh (posters), Marije Vercoelen (routing), Iris Toonen & Studio Boot (upcycle bags), Raoul Wilke – Studio Turbo (program booklet), Peter Korsman – Autograph (website design), Buro Meta (website realization), Calanga (animation). Future of Work: Ine Gevers (chair), Anke van den Broeck, Cassandra Vugts, Onno Ephraim (finance).

Mondriaan Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Brabant C, Gemeente Den Bosch, BPD Cultuurfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Zabawas, Pictoright Fonds, Fonds 21, VSBfonds, Stichting Stokroos, Stichting Future Of Work.

Oerol Festival, EYE Filmmuseum, Transnatural Art & Design, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Museumgoed, KABK Studium Generale, De Duurzame Week, Amsterdam Museum, Garage Rotterdam, Warming Up Festival, Stichting Impactmakers, Willem Twee, De Mengfabriek, Het Werkwarenhuis, Social Label, SPARK Makers Zone, Buro Kade, De Conceptenbouwers, St. Joost School of Art & Design, De Bossche Vakschool, Willem I College, Stichting Stadshart, Nietstapelenmaarvervangen, Huis ‘73, Me Scan, Studio Boot, Autograph, Buro Meta, Bossche Brouwers, De Verkadefabriek, Data Week NL, Gemeente Den Bosch, Niet Normaal INT.