Impressions on change collectives event

Some impressions from our recent event, Change Collectives, held last week in collaboration with OMNII in Den Bosch! It was a day full of inspiration, exchange, and actionable ideas on collective change-making. In the first session, we explored transformative strategies for societal change with presentations from Collectief Kapitaal, ConstructLab, and @Ruanrupa, each sharing their unique approaches to developing meaningful strategies for impact. Their insights shed light on how artistic collectives can play a crucial role in driving local change, using creativity and collaboration as core tools. In the evening session, OMNII, joined by Buurtbinders, Art for Resistance, and Zandbewoners, led an interactive discussion on how societal collectives and local communities can unite to foster meaningful, lasting change. It was inspiring to hear about real-world experiences and explore ways we can strengthen our networks and efforts together. A huge thank you to everyone who joined us, engaged in discussions, and shared their perspectives about change collectives. Also many thanks to Gemeente Den Bosch, Academie voor Beeldvorming, OMNII, Peter Zuiderwijk and Massimiliano Murra.