Biketour: Sightseeing through the lenses of non-hierarchic assembly lines

Explorative tour together with members of the collaborative architecture collective ConstructLab.

Time: 11:00-16:30hr (including visiting Future of Work exhibition). Start and endpoint: Willem Twee Art Space, Boschdijkstraat 100, ’s-Hertogenbosch.

 Bring your own bike, bring your own lunch. Free to participate, just register via (max. 20 participants).


During this exploratory sightseeing tour in the city of ’s-Hertogenbosch, we’ll get to see the city through the lenses of non-hierarchic assembly lines. We will visit various places in ’s-Hertogenbosch that question forms of production and collaboration. The tour ends at 15:30 hour at Willem Twee, where we’ll visit the exhibition Future of Work. The program ends at 17:00hr.

Working towards a project about collaborative economies in ’s-Hertogenbosch in 2023, ConstructLab wants to informally explore the city in search of experimental forms of collaboration, production and inhabitation. While we make the tour we ask questions that reflect on our own behaviour as (professional) practitioners and human beings. How can we understand the proces of thinking and production when conditions are not pre-designed? When do simple forms of experimentation become daily rituals? What happens when agents change roles? What kind of behaviour results in cooperative intelligence?


ConstructLab is the description of a collaborative construction practice working on both ephemeral and permanent projects. Unlike the conventional architectural process in which the architect designs and the builder builds, in constructLab, the project’s conception and construction are brought together. The designer builds and continues to design on site. The idea behind ConstructLab’s practice is to rediscover a constructive intelligence in materials themselves, to handle the material at the same time as we design. In foreground are low-tech and simplicity. It is not about technical prowess, but rather finding a common sense approach whose building techniques can be appropriated and used by everyone.

ConstructLab is more about the approach, rather than the method of building.

ConstructLab’s work integrates environmental awareness from conception to realisation. Projects are made with recycled materials or for temporary projects designed and built with future re-use of the raw materials in mind. Throughout its projects, ConstructLab binds the creative and the practical, thinking and making, and sets the project within a social, environmental and temporal context.

Alexander Römer (Berlin, Germany)

Architect, designer and carpenter Alexander Römer studied architecture at the BTU Cottbus and graduated in 2005. Previously he completed an apprenticeship and traditional itinerancy as a carpenter. He was a member of the Paris-based artist collective EXYZT and worked on numerous projects including the Metavilla, the French Pavilion at the 10th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2006. Römer initiated the international design-build network Constructlab in 2012, a laboratory for action research, constructive experimentation and interdisciplinary creation. Constructlab’s projects develop a practice of temporary and participative design and architecture. In addition to leading numerous international workshops and summer academies Alexander Römer was a visiting professor at UFG Linz in 2009, at ESAAA in Annecy (F) from 2010 - 2013, at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle (D) in 2015, at UQAM in Montreal (CAN) in 2018 and at HFG Karlsruhe (D) in 2021. Since 10/2021 he leads the department Raum & Design Strategien in Linz (A) Artschool as a visiting professor.

Peter Zuiderwijk (The Hague, The Netherlands)

Educated as a graphic designer at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (BA in 1998) and Post st.-Joost in Breda, (MA in 2001) Peter Zuiderwijk currently works as multidisciplinary designer, interlocutors and researcher. Together with his partner Karin Mientjes he founded Collective Works in 2009, The Hague-based collaborative work-structure specialises in research-based design. In 2014 Zuiderwijk joined ConstructLab. This laboratory for action research, constructive experimentation and interdisciplinary creation is operational throughout Europe and currently has associations in Berlin, Bern, Toulouse and Gent. Zuiderwijk has taught at different art schools within different disciplines. From 2002 till 2013 he taught “editorial design” at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam (NL). In 2006 “critical research & design” at the Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore (US). From 2011 till 2018 “graphic design” at EHU University, Vilnius, (LT). From 2016 till 2019 “Spatial Design” at Artez, Arnhem (NL). And since 2019 “Public Impact” at the Master Photography and Society at the KABK, The Hague (NL).

Lieke van der Meer (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

Lieke is a research-based spatial designer focusing on creating inclusive, healthy and positive urban environments. With great curiosity she approach the art of designing as a journey. She’s eager to analyse, criticise and speculate about social phenomenon in the city, sustainability, mobility questions and future spatial scenarios. Her designs are translated into public interventions, conversation pieces, installations, models, film and written essays. Lieke is currently coördinating the new database structure for ConstructLab.

Other ConstructLab members who might join the tour in October:

Bert De Backer (Gent, Belgium)

Bert is a Ghent-based phenomenological artist-architect. He currently teaches mixed media and public space design at KU Leuven Ghent and LUCA School Of Arts. His work engages with the codes of (human-made) environments and our perception of those environments. Often departing from a specific location and the narratives it embodies, Bert engages with the highly recognisable phenomena that populate our surroundings. He has worked with ConstructLab since 2017, is a part of artist collective 019, sporadically plays the role of architect-scenography and operates the artistic practice Villa.

Wouter Corvers (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

Wouter graduated from the Design Academy in 2016. He received the Milky Way Award for his graduation work. His work received attention in national and international media. Research by design is the characteristic method of Studio Corvers (established in 2011 together with Joost Corvers). Social issues are the inspiration for experiments and innovative projects. Specifically, the studio has specialized in diversity and the human dimension in the public space. Recurring themes in the projects include design, innovative sustainability and social interaction.


View the whole collection on Flickr.