EXCHANGE PROJECT - Physical performance

In this physical performance, a group of dancers and musicians invite you to look at exchange when not everything is predetermined, when numbers and words fall away and exchange also becomes physical and personal (again).

Location: Verkadefabriek
Date: Sunday, October 8
Time: 19.30 - 20.30h
Tickets 15 Euro / students 10 Euro (excl service costs eventbrite)

Buy your ticket via the link below

Stuff, services, knowledge, entertainment, nonsense. All day long, people exchange with each other. In Western society, this exchange increasingly takes on the character of a transaction: the exchange of goods and services for money. The Exchange Project examines what happens when we question or change the routines of market forces.

With the Exchange Project, Breda-based dance company The100Hands and lecturers Godelieve Spaas (Economy in Common / Economy as a Common Good) and Falk Hübner (Artistic Connective Practices) ask what happens when you put relationship, rather than money, at the center of the exchange of things. They do this based on the belief that the (spring) power of a community comes from connections that are created. This makes exchanges an important building block for a fair economy and society. With a lecture performance, an interactive performance and an exhibition, they question the functioning and values of exchange and, together with the audience, investigate what other ways of exchange are conceivable and what they can produce.

In the physical performance a group of dancers and musicians invite you to look at exchange when not everything is predetermined, when numbers and words fall away and exchange becomes (again) physical and personal. In an alternation of watching, doing, experiencing and reflecting you will rediscover what exchange means to you, but you will also be introduced to other perspectives on it and we will look beyond the superficial differences between people to the value of exchange in itself. Whether you are more into observing or just want to be in the middle of the action, Exchange Project offers space to experience different points of view side by side. Be welcome and "come as you are"!

Good to know: The language of instruction is (simple) English. During the performance, you are safely invited to interact with other attendees.

Are you less agile? Then you can indicate this right before the performance.

Unfortunately, this performance is less suitable for people with impaired vision or hearing.

ook te zien tijdens expo Van wie is de economie?

Alchemy of Exchange

De expositie ‘Alchemy of Exchange’ biedt een kijkje in het proces van samenwerking, de ‘exchange’, tussen de domeinen kunst, wetenschap en ondernemen die aan Exchange Project ten grondslag ligt.

De expositie is opgezet als een meerlagige cloud of things, een work-in-progress van het levende proces van uitwisseling. De collectie verhalen, audio-opnamen, video-elementen, visuele verwerkingen en zelfreflectie opdrachten, tonen hoe domeinoverschrijdend onderzoek naar het fenomeen 'exchange' tot een waaier aan waardevolle output en toepassingen leidt. Alchemy of Exchange toont hoe lineaire en feitelijke realiteiten prima samengaan met het persoonlijke, emotionele en imaginaire.

De expositie is te zien in Spiegelruimte van Willem Twee in Den Bosch tijdens Future of Work festival in de periode 5 t/m 22 oktober 2023.

Concept, dramaturgy and acting: Mojra Vogelnik-Škerlj
Concept, text and choreography: Jasper Džuki Jelen
Concept, research and lecture: Godelieve Spaas (Avans) and Falk Hübner (Fontys)
Dance: Alkis Barbas, Bryan Atmopawiro, Myrthe Marchal, Emma Thomson
Music composition: ArthurMusic
Music performance: Abel Ton
Costumes: Esther Sloots
Coproduction: Avans Hogeschool, Fontys Hogeschool for Arts

The100Hands works in a multi-year collaboration with DansBrabant.