The exhibition "Who owns the economy?" is free to visit during the festival on the first floor of the Werkwarenhuis / Social Label Lab. In addition to this exhibition, there is also a free-access exhibition at Willem Twee Kunstruimte (approximately 250 meters away - Boschdijkstraat 100). Be sure to take a look there as well!
Location: Werkwarenhuis, Tramkade 20-24 Den Bosch
Open during festival days Wednesday through Sunday (Oct. 5-8, Oct. 11-15, Oct. 18-22)
Opening times: 11 - 17 hrs
The works in the exhibition at Werkwarenhuis inspire action. Here, we explore the kind of economy we would like to shape together. Designer Cynthia Hathaway, together with the audience, delves into the world of wool, listening to what wool has to tell us, where it comes from, and what future it holds with us. Construclab creates a space for co-creation and experimentation, where new forms of collaboration are tested. In a video installation, Terasa Borasino allows you to experience the complex interconnection between 'human, other-than-human, and more-than-human' beings. The Indonesian art collective Jatiwangi Art Factory takes us into a possible economy based on friendship, kinship, and trust. The work 'Economy is not Money' prompts the viewer to contemplate the original meaning of the word 'economy.' A workshop will be installed where everyone is invited to exchange and share ideas, stories, and thoughts about the economy of tomorrow.
The Wool Assembly Line
The Wool Assembly Line - From Waste to Golden Fleece is an experiential co-maker space presented by artist/designer Cynthia Hathaway, with the aim of inviting the audience to get their hands involved in wool, to listen to what it has to say, where it has been, and what future wool will have with us.
Wood Food Ink Market
The WOOD FOOD INK Markt is a space where different voices come together to shape the idea of collaboration. What are the intrinsic motivations and values that drive individuals and communities? The market seeks to uncover the underlying motivations in the production process. Constructlab is interested in the reasoning behind their own projects. By exploring alternative models and engaging participants in a dialogue, the installation serves as a catalyst for action and reflection.
Samay: An inhale & exhale.
A video installation that explores the notion of the Andean Cosmovision, which is centred on the intricate entanglement between human, other-than- human and more-than-human beings. In the Andean Cosmovision, the distinction between ecology and economy dissolves; ecology comprises all the processes occurring within the living organism—the Earth—that sustain life. Unlike prioritising human economic goals and pursuing nature conservation separately, Andean society, akin to many Indigenous societies, seeks to achieve “holistic wellbeing,” encompassing the well-being of both human and other-than-human together.
Jatiwangi Art Factory (JaF) is an Indonesian community that integrates contemporary art and cultural practices into the local discourse of rural life. During the exhibition "Van wie is de Economie" (Whose Economy Is It), JaF showcases various projects and local resources connected to the rural area, including the land, herbs, clay soil, and family forest. All these elements are presented to emphasize the decentralized, collective (economic) practices expressed through JaF's diverse cultural forms.
Who owns the economy? The major corporations? The wealthy and powerful? The financial system? The banks? Does it all really boil down to 'money' when we talk about 'the economy'? In this neon art piece, we see the words ECONOMY and MONEY alternating. A combination that prompts the viewer to contemplate the original meaning of the word 'economy' and its evolution throughout history.
A project by Munne & Olga.
What kind of economy do you want?
In addition to the various projects on display, the exhibition at Werkwarenhuis also serves as a place for collective discussion, joint contemplation and shared practices regarding the questions "who owns the economy?" and "what economy do YOU want?". Read about different economic models, listen to other people's thoughts, and share your inspiration here!
A project by Godelieve & Olga